Honoring Winters Veterans

Winters Veterans

Winters Veterans


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Winters Veterans Speak

Rich Rominger emceed the Museum's Winters Veterans Reception on March 1, 2020.

Winters Veterans Speak

Historical Society of Winters has published the video recording of the program portion of the Honoring Winters Veterans event that was held at the Winters Museum on 03/01/2020.

See it here: https://youtu.be/Hd2iuMSo30E

Honoring Winters Veterans

Edward Smith Ragsdale--Civil War Participant and Buckeye Resident.

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Edward Smith Ragsdale was a Civil War Participant and Buckeye Resident. He was a farmer for a couple of years around 1880 in the Buckeye district. He enlisted in Company E, Iowa 16th Infantry Regiment during the Civil War and was promoted up through the ranks to First Full Lieutenant. (Photo used by family’s permission)


Photo of Don and Bob Gale meeting in Burma in 1944 during WWII is courtesy of the Gale Family.


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